What kind of men send pictures of their penises? – Will

In the entirety of the issue of sexual transgressive behavior, two questions arise for women: Why do men think you can capture women who have a phallic image? And what kind of men are they sending?

Not much research has been done on it yet, but scientists at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Canada have tried. More than a thousand men of different sexes, half of whom sometimes sent unsolicited photos, had to answer a questionnaire on this topic.

As it turns out, they actually sent in a picture of their genitals in hopes of getting a sexy picture again. The group also appeared to score high on narcissism, and showmanship played a role. So your director Dijkbeek may have a very positive self-image.

A look at the masculine soul: “Whether at work or in nightlife, for many men, women are attractive and you should act according to them,” said Yuri Ulrichs, a sexologist at Rutgers, Center for Experience in Sexuality. in Volkskrant. “You can get rid of that reaction. It’s essential that this happens early, at school and at home.”

Strong men, like Jeroen Rietbergen or Marc Overmars, fail to see the position of power they have over the women in their company. “They don’t understand that they are older, richer, more influential, or more popular than the recipients of their sexual images,” says Ulrichs.

Sometimes men are just a show, says psychologist Matisse Kroc. “People find it sexually arousing for someone else to see an explicit picture.”

But this is prohibited, at least “if the offender has estimated that the peace of the recipient has disturbed her,” says Andre de Zotter, a legal psychologist at the University of Victoria. Then this can be followed by a fine of 9,000 euros or two months in prison.

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Resources): de Volkskrant

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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