WhatsApp now lets you make video calls using your avatar

At the end of last year, WhatsApp introduced the ‘avatars’ feature. First, you can use it to make calls in Instagram and Facebook Messenger, and now also in WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is updated almost constantly. The app, which started as a simple messaging service, now offers many options to users. A new feature will be added soon: you will be able to make video calls without showing your face. Alternatively, you can choose to have your avatar, a character you can create in the app, take your place.

WhatsApp introduced avatars at the end of last year: characters that you can create and design yourself, which should form your digital persona. It quickly became clear that Meta had more in store with the new update. Almost immediately, avatars also became available for creating stickers. Eventually those stickers should start moving too.

In addition, Meta has also provided the option to make video calls using stickers. During communication, your head is replaced by such a sticker, which will imitate your facial movements and expressions. Initially, this option was only available for Instagram and Facebook Messenger. And now it is also available for WhatsApp: the function is available to those who use the beta version of the chat application.

The position is currently available Version From the Android app, it is available to a limited number of beta testers. When you make video calls using an avatar instead of your camera, you’ll still enjoy other features. This way, your video calls will remain end-to-end encrypted. So you should not be afraid that your conversation will be overheard.

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To use your avatar in a video call, all you have to do is press the appropriate button. You can switch continuously during video calls – so you don’t have to attend the entire conversation as your own avatar.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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