Which is the healthiest breakfast: cheese, yogurt or drunkard?

In the department Nutrition under the microscope We share a scientific view on nutrition and health. The internet is full of claims about these two broad topics, but is the information true? We provide clarity with the help of various experts. With the day: Is a bowl of cottage cheese, yogurt, or a skier the healthiest breakfast option?

Start the day with a good cup of coffee, and a bowl of yogurt with muesli and banana: for many Dutch, it’s daily fare. But is this yogurt the best option, or is it better to choose another dairy product such as cottage cheese or curry? Subway Ask the nutritionist Camilla Pot

A healthy breakfast with cottage cheese, candies or yogurt?

What’s the Healthiest Choice: A Bowl of Cheese, Yogurt, or Yogurt? “This question sounds simple, but it can be answered very broadly,” says Pott. “Quartz, yogurt, and skier are not just three different types of dairy, but they also consist of different types as a product. You have a skier with 0 percent fat, 5 percent fat, full-fat yogurt, low-fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Turkish yogurt. , low-fat French cottage cheese, full-fat cottage cheese, all kinds of vegetables, and then all of the above variants with added flavorings such as honey, strawberry or blueberry.”

It should be clear: the selection at the dairy (vegan) shelf is massive. Butt: “So I understand there can be confusion about the best option when you’re standing in front of the shelf.”

This is how you choose the healthiest option

When you are in the supermarket, what should you pay attention to if you want to choose the healthiest option? Bott recommends looking at the amount of fat in the product. In general, different products have approximately the same values ​​in terms of proteins and carbohydrates. The biggest difference is the amount of fat, and therefore calories. In general, the healthiest is the type with the least fat content. So try looking for the 0 percent fat alternative when you’re standing in front of the shelves. Then you’re always good.”

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According to a nutritionist, it doesn’t necessarily matter whether you choose cheese, yogurt, or sugar. “Take your favourites! The difference lies in the taste and structure of dairy products, not so much in the nutritional values. This is especially true if you have the 0 percent fat variant of all of them.”

Plant-Based Cucumber

Do you prefer a vegetarian type? Then it is also advisable to monitor the amount of proteins and fats. “Some dairy alternatives, for example those based on coconut or almonds, basically have a lot of fat and therefore many calories,” says Pott. In general, according to her, it is better to choose a soy-based alternative for nutritional values. “And here again, it doesn’t matter whether you choose vegetable quark, yogurt, or candy. Take the formula you like.”

Finally, a nutritionist teaches you that it’s wise to be careful about flavors and added sugars. “Try to look for the natural alternative as much as possible. You can of course add flavor yourself. Do you like strawberry curd? Then add fresh strawberries at home.”

More articles about nutrition from Subway Read? You will find them here.

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Nutrition under the microscope: Is cheese, yogurt, or a drunkard the healthiest breakfast option?

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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