Why do we feel so tired in the winter months?

Winter fatigue, baby yawning.

It’s a well-known phenomenon: Once winter hits, fatigue and the constant desire for extra sleep seem to overwhelm you. The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting longer. Waking up is hard. Your bed seems to stubbornly stick to you every morning! You would rather stay in bed all day. But where does this winter fatigue come from, and above all, how can you best deal with it? Sleep consultant Sunny Fan Better bed He says so.

Why do I feel so tired in winter?

Winter fatigue is completely normal. There are several reasons why you may feel tired in winter. You are less exposed to daylight and this directly affects your biological clock. This can make you feel very tired. In addition, the shift to winter time also has an impact on our sleep-wake rhythm. Winter time (temporarily) confuses your internal clock and causes it to get dark earlier. It may take some time before you get used to it.

What makes waking up in winter so difficult?

Difficulty waking up in winter is more common than on sunny summer mornings. You’re still so comfortable in your bed that you feel like you want to stay there forever. In addition, it is also dark. It is abnormal for your body to take action. From nature’s perspective, our rhythm moves with the sun. If he’s not gone yet, why are you?

It’s wonderfully warm and cozy under your blanket. It’s pretty cold in there and admit it: this makes your bed a little more comfortable. It’s no surprise that you feel tired and would rather stay in your basket on a cold winter morning.

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Tips against winter fatigue

Perhaps they prefer to lie down all winter and hibernate. We understand that, but it’s not usually very helpful. Fortunately, there are other things you can do to beat winter fatigue. Curious about tips for combating winter fatigue? Then keep reading.

Tip 1: Go outside as much as possible

Even though the days are short, try to get as much natural daylight as possible. Take a short walk during your lunch break or place your work station near a window. Daylight helps regulate your biological clock and can therefore reduce winter fatigue. Lack of daylight makes you tire more quickly in winter.

Tip 2

Tip 2: Exercise enough

Regular exercise helps maintain your energy levels and reduce winter fatigue. Exercise more in winter to overcome fatigue? Then choose activities you enjoy, such as dancing, yoga, or a boot camp class. If you do what you want, you will overcome the winter blues instantly. This way you kill two birds with one stone!

Tip 3

Third tip: Go to bed and wake up at a specific time

Try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. A consistent sleep rhythm stabilizes your body clock and makes it easier for you to get out of bed in the morning.

Tip 4

Fourth tip: Healthy food

Did you know that your diet has a huge impact on the quality of your sleep? Provide a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grains. Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bed so that your stomach does not upset while you are trying to sleep.

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Winter fatigue is a common phenomenon that is mainly caused by changes in daylight and the shift to winter time. Fortunately, there are several ways to deal with this and maintain your energy levels during the winter months. By staying active, getting enough daylight, and maintaining a consistent sleep rhythm, you can easily beat winter fatigue!

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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