Why Eating More Fish May Help Treat Migraines

One in eight Dutch people suffer from: Migraines. There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding this condition, but new research shows that your diet can have an effect. Eating more fish may lead to fewer attacks in people with migraines.

More omega-3 and less omega-6 on the list will have a positive effect. Although it revolves around Small Scale StudyIt might be worth a try.

Omega 3 to Omega 6

First, let’s look at what these two substances are again. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are both essential fatty acids that the body desperately needs. For example, omega-3s are known to soothe pain and inflammation, while omega-6s contribute to cardiovascular health. However, you should not take too much of a second: then it can have a negative effect on your body and exacerbate inflammation and pain.

Linking Omega 3 and Migraines

Because omega-3s can reduce inflammation and pain, researchers have concluded that it may be effective in people with migraines as well. By eating more foods rich in omega-3s, such as fish, chia seeds, walnuts and avocados, we hope they will have fewer migraine attacks. And because omega-6s can exacerbate the same complaints in high amounts, a little of this substance may also have a positive effect.

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Three different diets

To investigate this assumption, scientists decided to look at the effects of diet on migraines. They formulated three different diets, which three groups of people with migraines tried for sixteen weeks. The first group followed a diet with less omega-3 and omega-6. The second group, like the first group, consumed more omega-3, but did not eat less omega-6 than at other times. The third group followed a typical diet eaten by the average American, with no modifications.

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More fish, less migraine

What happened? Participants who followed a diet containing less omega-3 and omega-6 had significantly fewer headaches. At the start of the study, all participants had an average of 16 “headache days” per month. After the diet, there were four fewer than the group that followed the regular diet. But that wasn’t the only thing: By eating more fish and other omega-3 sources, they also had 30 to 40 percent of their headache hours per day. The group that consumed less omega-3 but no less omega-6 also saw improvement. They had two fewer “headache days”. Both group 1 and group 2 reported that the headaches were less severe and lasted less.

This might not seem like a big difference, but according to neurologist and researcher Rebecca Burch, it does matter. “We often get two or two and a half days of medication,” she says at the BMJ.

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This is how you experience it for yourself

Do you want to try the diet at home? Then the researchers offered some advice. To reduce migraines, you should eat more fatty foods. That may also come from tin; No obvious difference is made. Are you a vegetarian? Then you can look for more flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. The researchers did not test whether supplements could have the same effect.

For best results, it is best to leave fried foods with plenty of vegetable oil. If you need oil, it is better to choose extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil, as they contain less omega-6. It is wise to consult your doctor before making major changes to your diet.

source | The New York TimesAnd HLN
picture | Getty Images

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