Working together on health in a Dordt prevention agreement

DORDRECHT – A healthy lifestyle should easily become a habit for everyone in Dordrecht. Dordrecht municipality invites associations, institutions and organizations to work together on this matter. This leads to the Dordts Convention on Prevention: Agreements on how we can work together in a healthy environment while improving health and a healthy lifestyle. The prevention agreement focuses on the topics of smoking, diet / weight gain, alcohol consumption and mental health.

If the past year has anything clearer, it’s that health is priceless. A healthy lifestyle is the key to this. The municipality wants to encourage this with as many Dordrecht organizations as possible. By joining forces, they want to help the population stay healthy or become healthier.

Daily habit
Through many different initiatives and organizations, many good things are already happening in Dordrecht to help people achieve a healthy lifestyle. With the blocking agreement, Dordrecht raises the bar a little higher. The goal is to make a healthy lifestyle a daily habit for everyone. This is really possible in a few simple steps and in many areas. For example, an association in the neighborhood or playground makes the immediate vicinity smoke-free. Or a gym or office that offers healthy options in the canteen. An employer can encourage employees to turn around or, for example, work actively to reduce stress among employees. The employer also benefits from this: reduced absenteeism, increased productivity and an improved work climate. In short, there are plenty of examples and opportunities to think about discouraging unhealthy habits and encouraging healthy choices.

Alderman Rick van der Linden (Youth and health): “It is a cliché, but it is no less healthy: prevention is better than cure. This certainly applies when it comes to your health. It is often easier to make a healthy choice which of course helps if it is easy for you. Everyone can contribute to this. In the coming months we want to gather initiatives and ideas from the city, from large to small. This is the beginning of the Dordrecht Prevention Agreement. The Living Document ”, with plenty of room for new initiatives to present themselves. I am convinced that beautiful and surprising combinations will appear that will benefit Dordrecht’s health. ”

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Online questionnaire
Meanwhile, associations / institutions, schools, childcare organizations, health professionals, care / care professionals, restaurants, supermarkets and entrepreneurs have been actively contacted to participate in the Dordrecht Convention on Prevention. Organizations that also want to work on topics together can register via a Online questionnaire.

Three years
The Dordrecht Prevention Agreement follows a previously concluded National Ban Agreement. The starting document must be in June 2021. Dordrecht receives a subsidy from the government to implement the agreements over the next three years. GGD Zuid-Holland Zuid oversees the implementation of the Local Ban Agreement. The ban agreement is closely related to the Dordrecht Sport Agreement that was drawn up last year. This focuses on a healthy, active lifestyle through sports and exercise.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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