Xi warns Biden not to “play with fire” in Taiwan

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Joe Biden met by phone on Thursday. In the conversation, Xi once again warned the United States against interfering in his country’s relationship with Taiwan.

who – which Reports The official Chinese news agency Xinhua. The two leaders spoke for two hours and twenty minutes.

“The will of the people cannot be challenged, and whoever plays with fire will perish,” Xi said. Biden also reminded of the US “one China” policy, which assumes that Taiwan is part of China and not independent. The country is officially governed by the People’s Republic of China, but has its own constitution and democratically elected leaders.

Xi also stressed that China firmly opposes Taiwan independence and outside interference in the issue. Washington does not officially establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

In turn, Biden warned Xi against military intervention in Taiwan, something the Chinese leader publicly hinted at in October 2021 when he described China’s reunification with Taiwan as a “historic mission” that “must be accomplished and will be accomplished” at the party’s annual gathering.

Since then, he has reiterated his desire to formally incorporate Taiwan into the People’s Republic of China. At the end of May, Biden surrendered He passed away during a press conference The United States would intervene militarily if China invaded Taiwan.

Nancy Belusic

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the US House of Representatives, plans to For travel in August For Taiwan, in their own words because it’s “important to” [de VS] Is to support Taiwan. Such a visit could be widely interpreted internationally as US support for the country. Biden said nothing about the trip other than that “the military doesn’t think it’s a good idea.”

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Pelosi interpreted this statement as “maybe the military fears our plane will be shot down or something like that by the Chinese.” Beijing said it would respond with “firm and firm” measures to Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, including imposing a no-fly zone around the island.

Her trip was originally scheduled for April, but was then canceled because Pelosi contracted the coronavirus. The chairwoman will be the first senior US government official to visit Taiwan since 1997, when one of her Republican predecessors, Newt Gingrich, traveled to the island.


Joe Biden tweeted after the Thursday phone call that he discussed “responsible handling of our differences” and “deepening” communications between the two countries with his counterpart.

It was the fifth time the two leaders had met since Biden became president of the United States. The White House said the two leaders plan to hold a face-to-face meeting after Thursday’s phone call.

Denton Watson

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