A woman must be rescued from the toilet after trying to retrieve the phone | strange

In the United States, firefighters rescue a parkland from a toilet in the woods. She is stuck there trying to get her fallen cell phone back.

The woman was hiking alone on top of Mount Walker in Washington state. A brief bathroom break turned into a nightmare when she dropped her cell phone into a bowl in a camping toilet in the middle of the woods. To save the device, she removed the toilet seat from the toilet, after which she first tried to get her mobile phone back with a dog leash.

Failing that, she used that leash to let herself down. This attempt also failed, and she ended up with her head first in the pit filled with droppings. She said that for fifteen minutes she tried to exhaust herself on her own, but in the end she had to give up. Fortunately, she now has her phone back, which she then used to alert emergency services.

Brennon Fire Chief Tim Manley told The Kitsap Sun that the summoned firefighters were able to save the unfortunate woman by giving her blocks to stand on and then harnessing her to lift her. “I’ve been a firefighter for 40 years, but this was the first time I had to do something like this,” Manley said.

After they rinsed it, it was found that the woman was unharmed. However, the fire department advised her to go to the hospital for a medical examination because she was exposed to human faeces. “But she wanted to leave as soon as possible,” the firefighter said.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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