Art and science come together – Barkstad Aktwell

Today we proudly present a wonderful art project in which the social significance of a comfortable and quiet listening environment is fundamental. Dyon Scheijen, a visual artist and clinical audiologist, recently received an assignment from his employer Adelante to improve the acoustics of an important meeting room.

He chose a unique approach by creating a double panel that not only enriches the aesthetics of the space but also increases sound absorption. As a healthcare professional, he knows better than anyone what it means to improve speech intelligibility in the room, making communication easier and requiring less listening effort. This is especially important for people with hearing problems or tinnitus who are undergoing treatment (rehabilitation) at Adelante.

The artwork is designed in distinctive colours Adelante It reflects Scheijen's artistic style. In addition, golden patterns are applied to the fabric, which symbolizes unavoidable pain that can be made more bearable through “golden” treatment (rehabilitation) and high-quality care from specialists.

“This art project goes beyond the simple transformation of space,” explains Dion Chegen. “It is a combination of art, science and rehabilitation, with the aim of improving not only the physical environment, but also the quality of the interactions that take place there.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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