Trump fires US cybersecurity chief for denying voter fraud demands American News

Donald Trump The removal of the director of the federal body, which promised the credibility of the 2020 election, has pushed back the president’s unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud.

Trump has fired Christopher Krebs, director of the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity and infrastructure security organization (CISA). Tweet on Tuesday, Grepps said, was “suspended” and that his latest statement defending the security of the election was “very false.”

Trump’s nominee, Grepps, was fired for refusing to acknowledge the success of President – elect Joe Biden and for removing high – ranking officials who appear to be loyal enough. He opened fire Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense, part of a broader shake-up that hired Trump loyalists to senior Pentagon positions on November 9th.

There was Cripps He is expected to be fired. Last week, his company released a statement denying widespread voter fraud claims. “The November 3 election is the safest in American history,” the report said. “There is no evidence that any voting system eliminated or lost votes, changed votes or compromised in any way.”

Krebs, a former Microsoft executive, has been running an agency called Sisa since its creation, following Russian interference in the 2016 election through the November election. Sisa received bipartisan praise for coordinating the federal state and local efforts to protect electoral systems from foreign or domestic interference.

Trump mentioned Sisa Report His Tweet Shoot Krebs. The president’s tweets echo many of the unsubstantiated allegations of electoral fraud he has made in recent weeks.

Many more Democrats It was quick to condemn the president’s decision to remove Greps.

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On CNN, Delaware Senator Chris Goons said, “Chris Gripps’ federal service is the latest crash of President Trump’s four-year war against the truth.”

Maine Senator Angus King, one of the candidates who could be appointed Director of National Intelligence in the upcoming Biden administration, Called Crepes “A dedicated public servant who has helped to develop new internet skills in the face of rapidly growing risks.

“By removing him for doing his job, President Trump is harming all Americans.”

Adam Schiff, Democrat California Congressman, who chairs the House Investigative Committee Said to be Trump’s move “The truth is pathetic and predictable from a president who considers himself his adversary.”

Mark Warner, a Democratic senator from Virginia and co – chair of the Senate Cyber ​​Security Caucus, said Grepps was “an extraordinary public servant, a person whom Americans want to protect the security of our elections.”

“It speaks to the fact that the president chose to shoot him for telling the truth,” he said, echoing many of his Democratic colleagues.

Ben Sass, a Republican senator from Nebraska, also shouted. “Chris Cripps did a good job,” he said. “He should not be publicly fired.”

Sisa’s Assistant Director of International Affairs Brian Ware and DHS Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Valerie Boyd were both DHS officials reported. Was expelled Last week.

Cripps tweeted from his personal account that heProud to serve”.

Twitter soon flagged tweets announcing the president’s firing on Krebs for making “controversial” claims about the election.

Unwilling to accept the reality and accept the election, Trump has doubled his conspiracy theories on electoral fraud. His administration has prevented the Biden change team from receiving explanations, but now that Greps is no longer operating in an official capacity, the incoming management can collect unclassified explanations from the former cyber security officer.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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