Take snails into consideration when sprouting beets

When the first beets appear, it is advisable to regularly check the beets for damage up to the two-leaf stage. Snails. This is especially true for plots that have clay or loamy soil with coarse soil or green manure as a primary crop or where non-inversion tillage is carried out.

It is easy for snails to hide in these areas under dirt clods or crop residue, and the damage is often greater.

Snail damage control

If you notice slug and/or snail damage, the damage can be controlled by spreading iron(III) phosphate-based slug pellets (such as Derrex, Iroxx, Sluxx HP) using a pellet or fertilizer spreader. The recommended dose of these products is 7 kg/ha. There are also other alloy pellets available, and their dosages vary.

Therefore, the IRS always recommends reading the label carefully before posting. Slug damage often occurs only at the edges of fields or along the sides of ditches or adjacent grasslands. Then it may be sufficient to treat only the edge(s).

more information

More information about snails can be found in the IRS Cultivation GuideDiseases and other pests', the 'Snail information cardand a previously published IRS letter titled “Measures Against Snails During Seed Bed Preparation.”

Source and photo: tax authority

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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