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The tiger mosquito is on the rise in Belgium
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Tiger mosquito in Belgium
Additionally, you can slow the advance of tiger mosquitoes by thoroughly cleaning rain barrels, flower pots and gutters during the winter months to remove eggs that cling to the sides. At the beginning of the mosquito season (around May) it is also necessary to regularly eliminate stagnant water in terraces and gardens.
Read also: Tips for combating mosquitoes
Identifying the tiger mosquito
The tiger mosquito is smaller than the classic Flanders mosquito, and has distinctive black and white stripes on the body and legs. Unlike the mosquitoes we know, the tiger mosquito not only bites in the evening or at night, but is also aggressive during the day.
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He was bitten by a tiger mosquito
You can't tell from the bite itself whether you've been bitten by a tiger mosquito or a common mosquito, because they look quite similar. The bite itself is no longer noticeably itchy. The bite of the female tiger mosquito (the male does not bite humans) is painful.
Cool the bite site with a wet compress or cold compress and, if necessary, use a soothing ointment against skin irritation, for example with aloe vera or calendula. Are you getting more serious complaints? Then be sure to contact your doctor.
Infected tiger mosquitoes carry pathogens such as dengue or chikungunya in their salivary glands. The likelihood of you becoming infected is currently very small, but being vigilant about symptoms of the disease is of course important.
Read also: Does alcohol make you more attractive to mosquitoes?