HealthHouse: Zenderen’s dream

When you cannot go home after the hospital
The health house is there for everyone looking for health. For relief in case of fatigue, recovery after cancer treatment to daytime activities for persons with disabilities in cooperation with students. People who support others and where a lot of attention is paid to technology (e-health) to give everyone a helping hand.

“Hospitals are working to treat disease. We want to support people after the disease process towards health in order to become a better and healthier version of yourself.” ~ Ronald Helder

A room for all facilities to recover
The Health House measures 6,200 square meters, with dozens of rooms, treatment rooms, and even apartments. There will be a restaurant and terraces around the house. To meet and visit each other and keep company. Whether at home or abroad. Day out people are also welcome at the catering venues. There is a lot of space around the complex for our mobility and experience park; For relaxation, sport, recovery, education and caring link.

Why? The initiators say
“I use my IT expertise to give the vulnerable and lonely people in society a better quality of life. People with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, people who feel lonely. Isn’t it great that IT can help find a solution? I see strength in connecting people via the Internet?” And offline in this wonderful project in Zenderen. ” Says Ronald Helder, one of the initiators.

Ronald Helder

Lizan Spander is also the basis for this initiative: “I use my experiences from my treatments against bone cancer to help the community become healthier and more conscious. I have undergone so many treatments, sometimes you can no longer see the treatment for trees which is why we want to shake hands with people looking for health and we can Share the knowledge we have with each other here at Zenderen. “

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We have come a long way in hospitals, either because of illness in ourselves or in our loved ones. This fact has opened our eyes to make a difference in healthcare. We see that people are not a number, but a person. They are not sick and do not need “help”. They are human and we give them a helping hand to become a better, healthier version of themselves. In other words: “Our mission is to make healthcare more humane.”

Support from all sides
There are now dozens of agencies, governments, and corporations joining in to make De Droom van Zenderen a reality. Municipalities, trainings, healthcare professionals, hospitals, construction companies, food and nutrition chains, the university and many locals see plans and hope (and expect) that the Care Hotel will open its doors soon.

Do you want to participate or think together?
Send a message motivating you to [email protected]


Let’s see soon:

  • Hans Heigerman (Operational Excellence Consultant) at GezondheidHuis
  • Hermie Hermens (University of Twente professor and e-health expert) about HealthHouse
  • Peter Leferink (Bramer Contractor Manager) about HealthHouse
  • Lisanne Spaander (Muse & Singer) about HealthHouse

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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