A British cinema chain cancels the showing of an “anti-Sunni” film after protests

Image: Wikimedia Commons/Enlightened Kingdom Limited, Wikimedia Commons/Reports

British cinema chain Cineworld has all the film screenings Lady of Heaven It was deleted after Sunni Muslim protests.

Lady of Heaven is A British production that tells the story of Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. The film is controversial because it shows the Prophet Muhammad – which Sunni Muslims consider an insult – and because of the way many important figures from early Islam are depicted.

More than 120,000 people signed a petition demanding that the film not be shown in British cinemas. Angry Muslims also demonstrated in front of cinemas. Including in Birmingham.

Movie script Lady of Heaven Written by Shiite cleric Yasser Al-Habib (1979) who has been living in the UK since his expulsion from Kuwait.

According to critics Al-Habib is an extremist who wants to stir up hatred against Sunni Muslims. Al-Habib is also unpopular in Iran, the most important Shiite country in the world, because his message is said to be too polarizing.

In response to all the uproar, cinema chain Cineworld has decided to stop showing the film “to ensure the safety of our employees and customers.”

A Cineworld employee told the newspaper that the protesters acted like criminals and bullies and threatened employees BBC. “This is not something that should be tolerated in the UK… This is more than one film.” today is Lady of Heaven“Tomorrow may be something dearer to you.”

British Minister Saeed Javid (Public Health) condemns Cineworld’s decision. “You may not like what someone says, but the other person has the right to say it. Freedom of expression exists in this country and that is a fundamental value.

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The film’s cancellation once again raised eyebrows among some non-Muslims. Commentator Brendan O’Neill He writes In the British conservative magazine Viewer This hype reminds him of the Christian hype surrounding the film Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979) in which he insulted Jesus. But Christians have been ridiculed by the left’s comments. “The left is now silent because it concerns angry Muslims,” ​​O’Neill writes.

Meanwhile, O’Neill believes the protesting Muslims have copied well from the “atheist Wookiees.” “Radical Muslims who believe they should have the right to destroy culture that offends their religious sensibilities have clearly learned a thing or two from the secular cancellation brigade.”

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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