A Capitol Storm is asking a judge to go on vacation and get organic food in prison

As members of Congress paid their last respects to the slain Capitol agent on Wednesday, two of the accused in the storming of Parliament raised a surprise in the United States with their requests to court. A Texas woman wants to go on a planned vacation to Mexico. ‘Qunun Shaman’ demanded in his cell for organic food.

The judge has not yet ruled the leave case. But Jacob Chansley, who traveled the world with bison horn and beaver leather, prevailed. The judge ordered the Washington prison system to provide him with organic food.

The alleged shaman of the QAnon plot movement has not eaten for days. He claimed that the prison food was bad for him and conflicted with his shamanic beliefs. The prison said this is nonsense. “I only eat traditional food that God made,” Chansley argued in a letter from prison. “I humbly ask for some organic canned vegetables, canned tuna (wild catch) or canned organic soups.”

Judge Royce Lamberth gave his way to Chansley hours before Nancy Pelosi and other congressional leaders paid tribute to Agent Brian Secnick on the Capitol. It is rare for the average citizen to obtain this honor. Sicknick was injured in the storm and died the next day. On Tuesday, President Biden visited the Capitol to pay him his last respects. “We won’t forget,” Pelosi said.

Requests from Chansley and Texan Jenny Cudd, who had already booked her vacation before the storm, were not doing well with many in the US. Not even with conservatives, like the political commentator Sarah E. Cobb. “After trying to topple the government, you definitely need a little fun,” she wrote, sarcastically, of a Texas woman wanting to spend four days in the Riviera Maya.

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no regret

Coud, the owner of a flower shop in Midland, was charged twice with entering the Capitol. Since she is not among the worst offenders, she has not been arrested. But the judge did not allow her to leave the country until her trial. Before the storm, she had already booked a four-day outing with her staff to Mexico.

However, according to Cudd, it’s definitely not a vacation. “This is a work-related retreat for employees and their spouses,” Farhaina Siddiqui’s lawyer said in the court application. Holiday or not, the fact that Texas wants to take a rest in the sun while families mourn five deaths in the storm, according to its critics, shows that Coud does not regret her participation in the storm.

“We opened the door to Nancy Pelosi’s office,” Code said in a video clip she filmed when she returned to her Washington hotel. The countless video and photos of Texas walking across the Capitol are now being used against it by OM. Code: “I am proud of what I have done. Today I stormed the Capitol with other patriots.”

Democrat Julian Castro, a former prime minister under President Obama, wrote in a tweet about the holiday plans, “The prosecutor has barely objected to her request.” He is outraged by the lack of cruel treatment in his eyes of those who stormed the Capitol with justice. Castro: She was released until her trial. There are two types of legal systems in America. ”

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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