A liberated whale in London is stranded again and euthanized | abroad

The four-meter-long whale, believed to have been one of you, is stranded on Sunday evening in Richmond Lock, southwest of London. Local residents demanded rescue services to free the animal. A veterinarian examined the injured whale was strong enough to release it and found this to be the case.

On the night from Sunday to Monday, rescuers were able to free the whale after hours of operation. They took the animal to a deeper part of the river, where it eventually swam away.

Pisces at Richmond Hawks on Sunday evening. © AP

Locals spotted the whale swimming Monday morning in Teddington, four kilometers south of Richmond. Then it seemed to be heading towards the ocean. But on a Monday afternoon it turns out he’s been hanging out in the same place again and he’s weak.

“He appears to be injured,” said the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). He wanted to wait for the tide to lift the mammal while continuing to bring it into the ocean, but according to BDMLR, the whale’s condition was deteriorating rapidly. In the end, euthanasia became the only option to avoid unnecessarily prolonging the animal’s suffering.

Possible injury or disease may also be the reason that the animal has lost its way away from its usual habitat. Another possibility is that it chased its prey and got lost.

Pisces in Teddington.

Pisces in Teddington. © AP


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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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