A million protesters against Brexit in London

In London, a million people took to the streets in a rally against Brexit, according to organizers’ statistics. The UK may leave the European Union on April 12, but protesters want a second referendum.

The British capital in blue and yellow: More than a million people, according to organizers’ figures, took to the streets on Saturday in London to protest Brexit. The organized popular vote calls for a referendum in which citizens can vote on the Brexit agreement. Many of the participants wore blue and yellow European flags during the march and also wore these colors. Others carried British flags.

Organizers spoke of one of the largest protest marches in British history, which exceeded all expectations. Police did not estimate the number of demonstrators. The demonstrators had traveled to London from all parts of the country, including the outlying islands.

The protest march, in which many families participated, ended in Parliament. “The Brexit bid must stop completely!” Read a banner posted by a protester.

Meanwhile, more and more politicians are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Theresa May. British media wrote that the coming week will be decisive for the fate of the British Prime Minister.

“I am walking with people from all over our country,” London Mayor Sadiq Khan of the opposition Labor Party wrote on Twitter. The Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicolas Sturgeon, and many other politicians also attended the event.

May under pressure

The deadlock over Brexit has ended in the United Kingdom. The European Union has given a postponement of Britain’s exit from the European Union until April 12, when Parliament approves the divorce deal Prime Minister May struck with the European Union.

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She made two attempts, but she got little support. At the end of this week, May made it clear that she would not present a third vote if she did not receive enough support from MPs. It’s not entirely clear how to proceed. If the European Union wants to postpone it, London must organize elections. Otherwise, the UK will leave the European Union without a deal on April 12th.

But people are moving now. With this demo, but also online. More than 4 million Britons have signed an online petition against Brexit. “The government argues again and again that leaving the European Union is” the will of the people, “the website read. We must put an end to this statement. “

Once the petition gets more than 100,000 signatures, Parliament must consider it. The government should respond as soon as there are more than 10,000 sites.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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