A visual and compelling approach to covid-19 is required news item

news item | 6/19/2023 | 10:46

Tens of thousands of Dutch people are under severe restrictions due to the coronavirus. This has major consequences for themselves, their immediate environment, and their community. That’s why the Social Impact Team (MIT) recommends a visual and compelling approach. The elements in this approach are the accumulation of knowledge, which is immediately available to all interested parties, and fewer barriers in social security, education, and health care. MIT President Jolande Sap delivered the advice to Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Van Gennep (SZW) on Monday morning, June 19.

Jolande Sap: “The Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport recently launched an initial action plan for the prolonged virus. It mainly focuses on medical aspects. With our advice, we want to contribute to the follow-up of this in order to reduce the social consequences.

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high social costs

Most people who catch COVID-19 recover from it, but the consequences are severe for some. Based on research from the UK, MIT estimates that this affects about 90,000 Dutch people. The prolonged virus has devastating effects on their physical and mental health; their families, families, social activities, and recreational activities; their work and income; their school, education and access to care. The long-term impact of the coronavirus is also significant for society in terms of reducing productivity; healthcare costs; Dropout from education, low participation of people in other areas such as family care, informal care and volunteer work.

Jolande Sap: “It’s about 90,000 people whose daily lives have changed radically. It’s 90,000 stories of people who can no longer do normal things. You can no longer work, you can no longer keep your house for yourself, or take care of your elderly mother, or “As a young person, you can no longer go to school, you can no longer share with your friends. They are all terrible stories and what makes it even scarier is the lack of perspective. In fact, unfamiliarity with Covid-lung sometimes leads to misunderstanding or even denial.”

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the voice of those involved

MIT points out that the national government’s approach to the lung virus and its social consequences is neither convincing to those involved nor clearly visible. This fuels distrust in this group of people and perhaps also in society, where social recognition of the lung virus is high. MIT advises that the voices of those involved in policy proposals be heard and implemented.

Medical and social recognition is needed; Without it no adequate solutions are possible. Therefore, MIT advises stimulating the development of knowledge about the medical and social aspects of the lung virus and quickly translating this knowledge into practice.


The impact of COVID-19 is exacerbated by deficiencies in the social security, education and healthcare systems. Sapp: “There are unnecessary barriers for the Dutch with COVID-19. Barriers to accessing education, care and social security. MIT believes that this group should not be marginalized by systems. This also applies to people who will be affected by a subsequent pandemic. If We didn’t realize this, it would unnecessarily increase the personal and social consequences.”

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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