Actors filming the movie in space

There are a lot of movies about space. But a movie that was actually shot in space? It didn’t exist yet. So far! On Tuesday, an actress and photographer arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) to produce the first-ever film. by Myrthe Timmers

in a visa A Russian cosmonaut falls ill while working in space. And then of course you can’t go to the hospital… That’s why the doctor comes to the space station to operate on him.

But then it’s real

These types of space scenes are usually filmed on Earth. The actors are in spacesuits, the recreated space station is on set and the makers are ready. But really floating around the operating table? Of course, this does not work on our blue planet. boss visa So I decided to approach it differently. He arranged that the actress and photographer could really go into space to shoot. This makes weightlessness look very realistic in the movie.

Flinke training

Before the filmmakers could get on the rocket, they had to prepare well. For example, they trained in weightlessness in a special training rocket. And they have learned what to do if something goes wrong in space, not only in the movie, but also in real life … It’s very difficult for half an hour of viewing pleasure, but according to the director, it is absolutely worth it. “I’m really looking forward to the complement of Mars,” he told Russian television.

Here is the arrival of the actress and photographer into space:

Van Hatch video is open! Russian Actress & A producer enters the space station to shoot a movie

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Sophie Baker

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