After the movie Black, Adel El Araby and Bilal Falah shoot another book for Dirk Barak

At the age of fifteen, Al-Arabi wrote a letter to the young writer, pledging to him the dreams of his film as a director and expressing his hope for It won’t hurt anymore Ever to be able to photograph.

The message that Dirk Brack always had is: “I still have this letter from Adel at home. He was very charming when he was a little boy and I wrote it back during that time. Of course I had no idea at the time that he was just that boy yet. Ten years with his companion Bilal Katabi black He will shoot smartly and then conquer the world. It won’t hurt anymore It is my favorite of the more than forty books I’ve written. To be in good hands with these two talented gentlemen is an understatement. ”

The film was written by Paul Decarpentry and Adel El-Araby. Filming is scheduled for 2022, with 10.80 films slated to be produced (Dead Corner, Tropical Ghost(In co-production with A Team Productions)Patser “torpedo.”), Los Morros and Les Films du Fleuve by the Dardenne brothers.

the book It won’t hurt anymore Published by Davidsfonds / Infodok, an imprint of Standaard Uitgeverij.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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