AI is under fire for its use of artificial intelligence images | outside

While the systematic brutality of the Colombian police during the 2021 national protests did happen and is well documented, images recently distributed by Amnesty International have not.

The images were meant to highlight the problem, but the organization quickly came under fire for publishing AI-generated images. Since then, Amnesty International has removed the “fake photos”.

“We’ve removed the images from social media posts because we don’t want criticism of AI images to distract people from the core message,” said Amnesty International’s director, Erika Guevara-Rosas. “But we take criticism very seriously and will think carefully about the consequences and ethical dilemmas this technology poses in the future.”

The photos, including one of a woman being dragged away by police officers, allegedly depict scenes during the national protests that took place in Colombia in 2021. But after a quick look at the photos, it becomes clear that something is not right. For example, the three colors the demonstrator has on the flag are the correct colors, but they are in the wrong order. In addition, the faces of policemen and demonstrators were smeared and mutilated. The police uniforms worn by the officers in the photo are also outdated.

Warning against the use of artificial intelligence

Photojournalists and scientists are warning AI against using AI-generated images. It could undermine their work and fuel conspiracy theories.

“We live in a very polarized era full of fake news, which leads people to question the credibility of the media. And as we know, artificial intelligence lies. What kind of credibility do you have when you start posting pictures that you Created with artificial intelligence?

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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