All-In Fitness Izegem of Trisha and Kurt gives a brief statement for action against lockdown –

Sunday morning there was a workout at Frunpark Shopping Center in Izegem on All-In Fitness by singer Trisha (Govaerts) and her husband, Kurt Harhuis from Beveren-Leie. Outdoors – for business – a short period of fitness has been implemented as an indication that fitness centers should remain closed.

Trisha and Kurt Harhuis in front of the All-Inn Fitness Izegem office. © PADI / Daniël

Just before starting our fitness training, Kurt Herhuis told us: “This week it was mentioned in a newspaper article that a number of fitness centers wanted to send a signal to the outside world. It was reported that we care about health. Aside from the healthcare sector, we are health related primary care. We – Along with the hospitality sector – the sector most affected and which has been closed for seven months, without a single glimmer of hope that they will evaluate or discuss it.The initiative came from the Federation of Fitness Centers.We learned reality – after contacting the police and the authorities – that this was not possible and not It is allowed with multiple people in the open air. We only got approval for groups of four, so we decided to stick with that. “

On a Sunday morning there was a fun activity at the fitness store, albeit the necessary distance between them.  © PADI / Daniël
On a Sunday morning there was a fun activity at the fitness store, albeit the necessary distance between them. © PADI / Daniël

It’s not easy for Trisha and Kurt. In July 2018, they opened the doors of this fitness store in Izegem. They broke up with the previous series and are now doing it their own way on All-In Fitness Izegem. “We are in a shopping center with All-In Fitness and the rent continues to pay off. Trisha and I also have to take some of our savings to keep everything going here. For a new project, it’s not easy if you have to keep the doors closed for a long time. But we still work out.” In keeping our heads above water, ”Kurt concludes, after which he started a fun exercise with Trisha and the teacher. “We do it without equipment. The teacher gives some exercise. It’s good to see some of our loyal fitness visitors again. I hope we open our doors again in April, but of course March is also allowed,” says Kurt. “The last time we were on a rush. They said on Friday that we could open on Monday. We were still trying to sort things out here. We didn’t think it would allow us to open suddenly, but in the end it turned out fine.” (PADI)

Overall fitness by Trisha and Kurt at Krekelmotestraat 62 / bus 18 in Izegem (Frunpark) –

Of course Trisha also shared © PADI / Daniël
Of course Trisha also shared © PADI / Daniël

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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