Apple Music has launched the Classics app

Once, when we were still buying CDs, a colleague pointed out to me that pop and rock were by far not the most popular and profitable genres in the music business. Worldwide, more classical music is being produced, bought, and listened to. Is this still the case after more than 30 years? I don’t know. The fact is that Apple yesterday launched a special app for classical music lovers: Apple Music Classical.

classic music

Since almost everything Apple does becomes a hit, or at least makes a lot of money, you can safely assume that classical music will also be popular in the 21st century.H Century is still a profitable business. And now Apple wants to deal with that, too. Apple Music already had a special section for classical music, but now fans of this music will have their own app.

Apple Music Classical will be available on March 28, but enthusiasts can pre-order the app at app store. Using the app is free, but you must have an Apple Music subscription.

More than five million classic works

Apple Music Classical is of course perfectly optimized for classical music lovers. According to Apple, more than five million songs and works are part of the world’s largest collection of classical music.

You can search by author, work, conductor, or catalog number and there are hundreds of specially curated playlists available. In addition, Apple Music Classical users get access to thousands of exclusive albums. Listeners will also have access to new and exclusive works of art, such as a series of high-resolution digital portraits of world-famous composers.

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Apple Music Classical works on all iPhones, provided they have iOS 15.4 or later. Apple is also working on an Android version of the classic app. When it will be available is not yet known. Apple just says about it: “Soon.”

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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