Autism can also be diagnosed in adulthood Health & Science

What do we know about this?

In recent years, autism seems to be more common. This is due in part to:

website of University College London He stated on June 26, 2023 (1) that autism is more common than previously thought.

  • There are said to be 750,000 undiagnosed autistic people aged 20 or over in England.
  • This brings the number of autistic people in England to more than 1.2 million.
  • This is nearly double the 700,000 figure used by the government.
Where do these numbers come from?

British scientists at University College London tried it To better estimate the number of autistic people in England (2).

  • To do this, the researchers used data from more than 5 million children and adults enrolled in GP practices in England between 2000 and 2018.
  • If autism was diagnosed, it was noted and kept in the general practitioner’s record.
  • This gave the researchers the first figure on how often autism occurs in the population.
  • Next, the researchers looked at the acting research.
    • It is estimated that 1 to 3% of the population suffers from autism.
    • This is much higher than what doctors have determined.
    • This means that between 150,000 and 500,000 people between the ages of 20 and 49 have autism without a diagnosis.
    • For people over the age of 50, between 250,000 and 600,000 people with autism will remain under the radar.
    • After converting it, there will be an average of 750,000 (20+) adults living with autism in England who are not (yet) diagnosed.
    • This brings the total number of people with autism to more than 1.2 million.
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the researchers ask More attention For the diagnosis of autism and autism in adults.


(1) There may be twice as many people with autism in England than previously thought | UCL News – UCL – University College LondonJune 26, 2023.

How do you explain this news?

There are many Reasons Why autism in adults often remains under the radar.

  • Autism usually appears in childhood, which means that more attention is paid to detecting autism. As a result, the potential diagnosis in adults receives less attention.
  • Adults themselves are also less likely to experience autism themselves.

The claim, based on one study, that many individuals with autism are not diagnosed is true sensitive. Diagnosis is made when problematic situations reminiscent of autism occur.

Comparing how often autism occurs in the population based on numbers from observational research also remains a risky exercise. Every search suffers fromselection biasThis means that the sample does not actually give a picture that fully corresponds to reality.

The Flemish Autism Society appreciates this Flanders About 42,000 people suffer from autism.


Autism and autism is a diagnosis that is usually made in childhood, but undoubtedly not all cases are diagnosed at that time. In the case of psychological problems in adulthood, autism is often not thought of, so a number of people are left out in the cold. That’s what this English language study wants to make clear: Many cases of autism remain under the radar. Whether the underestimation of people with autism is as significant as this study suggests, further research is yet to confirm. Autism affects the way a person functions in society. Diagnosis at any age is necessary to deal with possible negative consequences.

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  • (2) O’Nions E, Petersen I, Buckman JEJ et al. Autism in England: an assessment of underdiagnosis in a population-based cohort study of prospectively collected primary care data. Lancet Reg Health Euro. 2023 Apr 3; 29: 100,626.
  • (3)

Megan Vasquez

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