Bad stress-test fuel Black Friday failures

nShift Releases New Guide to Delivering Ecommerce Success

London, September 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Failure to stress-test infrastructure is preventing many online and omnichannel retailers from making the most of Black Friday. nShiftPublished by the global leader in delivery management New guide Black Friday explores how to deliver success.

Black Friday continues to be popular. Despite speculation that the day would lose its uniqueness amid a full season of discounts, last year’s big event saw an increase in average spend per person.[1] This year’s bonanza, on November 24, is set to break new sales records.

The nShift Guide discusses how five common mistakes are holding businesses back from making the most of Black Friday:

  1. Poor stress testing – As regular Friday orders are high, e-commerce and digital infrastructure will fail to keep up with demand.
  2. Ignoring cart switching strategies – 80% of shopping carts are abandoned on Black Friday.[2] By understanding why consumers are turning away, retailers can increase conversions
  3. We forget about the customer experience – People are after more than bargains. They expect the rest of the experience, including delivery, to be worth getting back
  4. Not enough delivery options – Increase conversions by 20% if you offer the right amount of distribution options
  5. Failure to focus on emissions – Retailers can take steps to encourage shoppers to make environmentally friendly choices

Matthias GredenhagAt CTO nShift “Black Friday continues to be popular. By getting the planning right, retailers of all sizes can ride the wave and increase their revenue. In the rush to meet demand, it’s important for businesses to remember to prioritize the customer experience.

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“Today’s shoppers expect regular updates on the status of their deliveries. They expect those updates to be visible through social channels relevant to them, not communication methods convenient for the retailer. Create the perfect customer experience. Build long-term loyalty. But when consumers are disappointed by the delivery experience, They’ll buy something better.”

nShift helps online retailers and webshops grow during the busiest time of the year. Read Full Guide”Black Friday offers success.

About nShift

nShift is a leading global provider of cloud delivery management solutions that enable frictionless shipping and return of nearly one billion shipments across 190 countries annually. nShift’s software is used globally by e-commerce, retail, manufacturing and 3PL shippers. The headquarters of the company is London And Oslo. The offices have more than 500 employees Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium And Romania.

[1] Friday-Trends-Statistics

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Source nShift

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