Biodiversity bounty: From science to practice

With the delivery of the report ‘Monitoring Biodiversity of Arable Agriculture in Practice’. Practical test results “Completed”. A large-scale pilot project is being prepared on the initiative of the various chain parties in the arable farming sector and Rabobank. With this, the parties, together with governments such as counties, want to gain experience in using the monitoring device and reward arable farmers for their biodiversity achievements.

Biodiversity control arable farming

Scientific basis for Biodiversity control arable farming Situations. The screen describes an integrated set of eight key performance indicators (KPIs) and a calculation system. This is the basis for rewarding good farmers for biodiversity.

Valuable insights into biodiversity and reward through empirical testing

The practical test taught you how to easily collect data, how to apply different calculation rules, and how to interpret results. This practical test was conducted in sixteen arable farms in different regions. Focusing on simplifying data and properly ranking data ownership emerged as an important recommendation. Fine tuning was also necessary for some KPIs.

To accommodate the difference in regional conditions, such as soil type, it is recommended to develop target values ​​for each region. The integrative aspect of the Biodiversity Observatory remains important in this regard. Experiences and recommendations from the practical test will be incorporated into the large-scale trial currently being prepared.

“As BO Akkerbouw, we are delighted to work with our members on the successful launch of the screen into practice.”

Good rating system and reliable tools

Now is the time to put the Arable Biodiversity Observatory of Science into action. The sector is ready for this. Adinda Lodders, Climate and Soil Coordinator at BO Akkerbouw, stresses the importance of a good reward system and the development of reliable tools, where putting data to farmers is very important.

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“The Arable Biodiversity Monitor provides an opportunity for public and private parties to recognize and reward farmers’ efforts. As BO Akkerbouw, we are excited to work with our members on the successful launch of the screen into practice.”

source: Agriculture B.O

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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