Borsele wants to work in health with the population

The municipality is committed to providing good physical and mental health to its residents. Therefore, a local prevention agreement was entered into. This is an action plan on the topics of smoking, excessive alcohol use, weight gain and loneliness. These topics have a significant impact on the well-being and health of young and old. We want to work with local parties and residents.

Borsele local blocking agreement is a translation of the national blocking agreement. The goal is for Borsele to work with residents and local partners around the following four themes:

A smoke-free generation: We work together to ensure that children in Purcell can grow up to stop smoking and never start smoking themselves Healthy Weight: Together we ensure the survival of a healthy weight population, from young to old. Reducing problematic alcohol use: We work together to reduce (problematic) alcohol use among at-risk groups Preventing loneliness: Together we promote opportunities for social gatherings in our municipality.

We are actively committed to the health of the population and are working on prevention. We can’t do this alone! That is why Borsele is looking for organizations and residents who want to carry out activities. “We will provide a maximum of 20,000 euros in subsidy for this purpose in 2022 and 2023.” The subsidy is a maximum of 750 euros per application per year. In the case of a joint initiative in which several organizations participate, a maximum of 1,500 euros per application is applied.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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