Bow and arrow kill Norway: ‘The perpetrator’s mental health is now under investigation’ | Abroad

“The man who killed five people with a bow and arrow in Kongsberg, Norway, on Wednesday has been taken to a medical facility,” Prosecutor Anne-Erene Svane-Mattiasen said today. The Norwegian court ruled that the offender would remain in pretrial detention for another four weeks. More and more questions are being raised about his mental state

“He was handed over to medical experts on Thursday evening to assess his health,” Matthiasin said. His behavior is observed and judged by two experts. They need to clarify whether he was responsible at the time of the attack. If the conclusion is that he is irresponsible, it is likely that Bråthen will be hospitalized for a longer period of time.

Andersen Bråthen used his bow and arrow to shoot randomly at people in a supermarket and other locations in the small village of Kongsberg. Little is known about the man’s motivation. The psychological evaluation began yesterday and may continue for months.

prison or institution

Bråthen appeared in court today. The judge had to decide whether he should stay in custody any longer. Prosecutors wanted him to remain in detention for at least another four weeks, the first two of which would be in solitary confinement. These requirements are now met. According to the prosecutor, he is not currently imprisoned, but in a psychiatric institution. It is not yet clear whether Prathin will serve his full sentence in a prison or in a closed medical facility.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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