“Brexit could be positive for Belgian clubs and their youth activities” | Premier League

The UK Home Office has already made agreements with the football world regarding Brexit. A lot changes for footballers who still want to play in the UK. Radio 1 invited Bob Claes, the player agent for Let’s Play, an agency that handles the guidance of top athletes, including Youri Tielemans.

What are the rules today and what will change for football from January 1? Today, players from the European Union can sign a professional contract from the age of 16. For non-EU players from the age of 18, what we see now is that the “preferred system” disappears. For players between the ages of 16 and 17 through 18 Years ago, traveling to the UK is now more difficult.

Will this have serious consequences? “You have two sides. The boys who come there are usually 18 or 19 years old. Just look at Youri Tielemans or Kevin De Bruyne. But for the top talent making the switch under the age of 18, it just won’t be possible anymore. Not much. Those are.” They are usually great talents who leave on their 16th day and may or may not live up to that. “

What is the reaction of clubs in the Premier League? This way, they can hunt alongside exceptional young talent. “The clubs are not very satisfied with that,” says Claes. We hear two things in clubs. On the one hand, there is a bit of protectionism, which the FA also lags behind, to keep the national team level high enough.

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On the one hand, a business model where (smaller) clubs can beautify their budgets by transporting young players to England. It will create a little scarcity. The risk is that the resources now available will be allocated to a smaller group of collective players and that in some of the lower ranked clubs It became more difficult to bring in non-British talented players. “

Will there be consequences for adult players in the Premier League who are already active there? “I don’t think so. It’s hard to do retrospectively. There is a rule for players between the ages of 18 and 21. There will be a limit of -21 players the club can attract. This will be a maximum of 6.”

“Whether that worries me? Concern is never a good adviser. Brexit will also have a big impact in other sectors. I also see an opportunity for Belgian clubs and their youth activities. They will have less competition for their players out of 18. Players may be less likely to travel abroad.” right Now “.

“It’s a very big step to go abroad at a young age and the guys don’t always make it happen abroad, although it is not always negative. But in many cases I appreciate it now positively for our Belgian clubs,” Bob Claes said. England has big budgets. “

Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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