Britain returned looted art to India during colonial times Abroad

A Glasgow museum has returned seven artefacts looted during 19th-century colonialism to India, a first for a UK cultural institution.

Glasgow Life, the body that manages the Scottish Museum’s collections, “has received representatives from the Indian Embassy to transfer ownership,” the statement said.

The seven ancient pieces now being returned were looted from holy places like temples and donated to the city’s museums. Six artifacts were stolen from northern India in the 1800s, and the seventh, a ceremonial sword dating back 14 years.The century, was bought illegally after being stolen from its original owners.

51 artifacts stolen

In total, the Glasgow Museum decided to return 51 artefacts not only to India, but also to Nigeria and Indian tribes in the US state of South Dakota.

The return was “an important step for Glasgow” to put artefacts back into the hands of their “rightful owners”, Duncan Dornan, responsible for museums and collections at Glasgow Life, said in the statement. “These artefacts are an integral part of our heritage as a civilization and are being sent back to their countries of origin,” said Sujit Ghosh, interim head of India’s diplomatic mission in the UK. He thanked “everyone who made this possible”, including the city of Glasgow.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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