Defense Minister Shoigu: “No more EU tourist visas for Russians? This is Nazi policy “

On Saturday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu compared a proposal to stop issuing visas to Russian tourists at the European level with “Nazi policy.”

wafersource: BELGA

“We see a clear new expression of Nazi policy” as European voices rise to prevent all Russian citizens from accessing EU member states, the minister said.

EU member states such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic have already taken measures to limit or cancel entry visas for Russian citizens in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Finland will start in September and Poland is also considering such a measure.

In the meantime, there are voices (Denmark, Lithuania and Finland) in favor of a European approach. After all, Russians can still enter with a visa issued by another Schengen country. “Today, any Russian citizen can obtain a visa at a German consulate in any Russian city and travel to a vacation destination through Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or Poland,” said Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrieleus Landsbergis, for example.

Germany is a fan of this idea. The state believes that individuals should not be punished for the actions of the Kremlin.

The Czech Republic, which currently holds the presidency of the Councils of Ministers of the European Union, plans to raise the issue at an informal meeting of foreign ministers in Prague at the end of this month.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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