Britain wants all adults to be first …

Boris Johnson visits a vaccination center.

All adults in the UK will be vaccinated against Govt-19 by the end of July. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised this on Saturday.

“Our goal now is to give all adults a view by the end of July.

To date, more than 17 million Britons have already received the first dose of a vaccine, almost one in three adults. According to the government’s plans to speed up the vaccination campaign, adults over the age of 50 with the basic conditions will be vaccinated by April 15. Johnson said the vaccination program would allow some drastic Govt-19 measures to be relaxed, but “the way out of the lockout will be done with caution and in stages.”

Excessive vaccinations

Great Britain has fewer delivery problems than EU countries because it is said to deliver large orders very quickly. Johnson’s country will donate surplus vaccines to poor countries, but not until the British vaccinate.

On Monday, Johnson is set to propose a blueprint for first easing locks in the UK. It is expected that some private outdoor meetings will be possible again and that individual visitors will be allowed inside the retirement homes.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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