British authorities are being asked for answers about the “disappeared” princess – NRK Oryx

Already last week A picture appeared on Instagram Princess Sheikha Latifa on display in a Dubai shopping mall.

It emerged after a long period of speculation about whether she was being held under house arrest in Dubai against her will. The photo on social media was the first sign of life in public a few months ago.

Monday reports guardian About two new pictures of the princess. This, among other things, allows former Secretary of State Lord Peter Heine to take the magazine orally:

The British authorities should stop delaying Princess Latifa’s case and demand that she be proven alive and free. These photos are far from that. For example, why is she not allowed to speak directly to journalists?

Hine is also a member of the British Senate.

He thinks politicians should demand answers from Dubai

News of the missing princess spread around the world in 2018. Then Princess Latifa tried to escape from Dubai in a dhow. Among other things, she received help from a French spy.

But the boat was stopped outside India before the order.

Peter Hain is a member of the British House of Lords and was a former British Foreign Secretary.

Photo: Luke MacGregor / Reuters

She is the daughter of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. He is the richest and most powerful man in Dubai and rules the emirate.

Since then, there have been few signs of the princess’s life and she hasn’t been seen in public since 2018.

However, a recording of the princess was recorded worldwide in February.

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In the recording, the princess herself said that her father took her as a hostage. The United Nations asked for evidence of life After the recording became known.

– I am a hostage. Princess Latifa says in the recording that I can’t even breathe fresh air.

to me Reuters The United Arab Emirates has consistently denied arresting the princess against her will.

Following the registration, the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the United Kingdom stated that Latifa is being cared for at home by family members and health professionals.

They will return to the audience when the time is right.

Three new photos

Hine is one of many people who want Britain to do more for the princess. He believes, among other things, that the UK should freeze the Sheikh’s values ​​in the UK.

The first photo was posted on Instagram on May 20. The princess appears with two of her friends at a Dubai mall.

A movie advertisement in the background might indicate that the photo was taken in May.

On Saturday, a photo of one of the women in the first photo and Princess Latifa was posted on the same Instagram account.

The photo was taken at an Italian restaurant called Pais Mara in Dubai. In the last photo, the princess is pictured with another woman in a cafe.

The Guardian writes that the photos may be a PR hoax or part of Princess Latifa’s release.

In 2018, a photo of the princess will be taken.

Photo: AP

David Hay is a co-founder of the Free Latifa campaign, which is working on the princess’ release.

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In a statement released over the weekend, Hay wrote that he emphasized several important and potentially positive development features of the campaign. But he will not respond more at this stage.

In this February update, Tina Jauhiainen, a friend of the princess, talks about the situation.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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