British Coast Guard trains to fend off boat passengers | Abroad

Last week, the plans were announced by the Conservative Party and Home Secretary, Priti Patel. Given the increase in the number of migrants being picked up daily in the Channel or arriving at English ports, they said a radical solution had to be found. These are refugees who crossed the Channel illegally to apply for asylum in Great Britain. Because of the increased influx of refugees since this summer, agreements have already been made with France to at least closely monitor refugees crossing the Channel and to receive them in France where possible. The British government allocated 54.2 million pounds (about 63.5 million euros) for this purpose, and part of the funds were allocated to strengthening the French Coast Guard.

Unsuccessfully, last week 1,959 people arrived in the UK. A record number raises the number this year to 14,461 refugees. Double what it was last year. For Patel and the Conservative Party, that’s a reason to crack down, after all, it’s also an important pillar within Brexit. Under the heading ‘It is not good for shipping and unsafe for refugees, as the canal is one of the busiest in the world’, a plan to ensure this has been put forward with the Coast Guard bodice to France.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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