British Prime Minister Johnson hopes “the current lockdown will be another thanks to vaccinations” | Abroad

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised his citizens to take “irreversible” steps to end the lockdown. Next Monday he will announce how he wants to do so. Johnson is under pressure within his conservative party to lift the lockdown measures. Dozens of conservative politicians demanded in a speech an end to restrictions before May.

After much switching between tighter and softer measures, the UK government wants the current lockdown to be the last. He said in a press conference that the prime minister could not give guarantees in this regard. Nevertheless, he is optimistic due to the many vaccines that have now been administered. “I am very optimistic”. The United Kingdom, with a population of about 66 million, is leading the way in Europe in vaccinating citizens, while more than 15 million Britons have already received an injection.

But Johnson said there was still insufficient data on the effect of vaccines on the spread of the virus. He thinks he will have more clarity on this in a week. The government’s chief medical advisor, Chris Whitty, said that there are different types of Coronavirus that may reduce the effectiveness of vaccines.

Pollen passports

There is a lot of speculation about when catering establishments and other companies can open their doors again. Government sources say, according to the BBC, students in England will likely be able to return to school on March 8. The prime minister softened expectations, “We want a realistic timetable, so we are careful.” He expects that in the long term there will be some form of vaccine passport. In combination with a quick test, this visit to the theater or nightclub will make it possible again in the future.

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Johnson and his ministers will discuss relaxation plans this week. “We want to make progress in a prudent but irreversible manner,” the prime minister said.

The government’s plan is likely to take the form of some kind of roadmap. It can then contain dates on which actions can be withdrawn.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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