Broadcast app history and gallery

The Dudok Center for Architecture and the municipality of Hilversum is today launching a new exhibition and app at Tante Jans in Hilversum on the construction of the Dutch Signal Instrument Factory (NSF) a hundred years ago.

The NSF also laid the foundation for broadcasting and later Hilversum Media City.

In the signaling equipment factory, the new wireless signal technology or radio broadcast technology was completely pioneered. Later, the company also produced its own radios and the first broadcaster was created.

The exhibition is built around the “factory stories” of six interviewed former employees and/or their children (all of very advanced age). They are made into ‘characters’ in the exhibition and represent different aspects of the factory that are central to the exhibition as themes: NSF and inventions, NSF and employees and NSF and WWII.

The exhibition can be seen every Saturday and Sunday afternoon, from 12:00 to 16:00. You can book tickets via www.dudok A ticket costs 4 euros, with which you can visit the following exhibitions: NSF RADIO, Hilversum Ontkiemt, Retour Hilversum at Tante Jans and at the Dudok Center for Architecture: Dudok by Iwan Baan, Dudok as a City Builder.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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