Business Deal Embarrassing applause for De Crewe

Open VLD and CD&V require rapid, integrated implementation of the working agreement, but only get applause from the opposition party N-VA. This is embarrassing for Prime Minister de Croo.

“You have a majority, just not yours.” N-VA faction leader Peter de Rovere threw some extra salt into the wound during Thursday’s parliamentary debate after it emerged that not everyone inside Vivaldi was equally enthusiastic about business deal want to perform. That’s back on the federal government’s panel since Tuesday after unions and employers issued a completely divided opinion. This is where the classic paradox comes into play: labor unions believe that employees receive inadequate protection and employers that companies are burdened with too many additional costs and administrative burdens.

Strumming the chords of the instrument on the smartphone

Open VLD expects the entire business transaction to be executed soon. A good set of procedures have been completed. Adequate number of workers is the best guarantee of social security. I cannot imagine that any socially sensitive person would not want to implement this,” said Member of Parliament and President of Open VLD Egbert Laschart (Open VLD). Sarcasm in PS, where the Minister of Labor, Pierre-Yves Dermann, has already indicated that he still wants to amend the business deal It earned him the plaudits of liberal banks, CD&V and (sarcastically) the opposition party N-VA. The Socialists and Greens looked forward or played their smartphones, but there was no applause. The same scenario occurred when Nathalie Muylle delivered a nearly identical letter to the CD. & V.

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The long-awaited business deal still haunts Vivaldi.

“Are you on the side of your boss Laschert or the Socialist Party?” De Rovere also asked Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo (Open VLD). “The work deal will be voted on before the summer holidays, taking into account the comments of the State Council and the social partners,” de Croo said, giving the impression at least that the deal could still be tampered with. As prime minister, he must keep the church in the middle. In the meantime, President Lachart selected the Villa Politeca Again, what did he mean by his intervention in the room? “Implementation of the business deal is the only option,” he said. ‘A word is a word, isn’t it?’ I suppose the PS colleagues are well aware that agreements are made. Otherwise, there will be a huge trust problem.

The liberals do not know exactly what the Socialist Party intends to do with the deal. The Minister of Labour, Pierre-Yves Dermange, has to bring the bill back to the government table before it can move to Parliament. “It would be wrong to seek advice and then do absolutely nothing,” Derman’s Treasury said. In addition, it was not intended to “disturb the balance of the text”. But it is enough to draw one card from the house of cards until it collapses completely.

Billions of euros in support

In the Open VLD, confidence in PS hit an all-time low after the party’s press conference last Monday. Then the French-speaking socialists put billions of euros in support of the middle class on the table. They anticipate the debate that Prime Minister de Croo wants to have in the government about a new purchasing power package after the advice of a group of experts. In particular, the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor Dorman at the press conference aroused resentment. Vivaldi has learned to live with very loud party leaders who hover around the government with far-reaching proposals to put their party on the map. By having Dermagne, PS makes it clear that they mean business.

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The scene in the room once again made it clear that Vivaldi desperately needed a second breath, a major new deal. This realization is also vivid in De Croo himself. He will work in broad agreement against the summer holidays, in which he will scrap the outlines of next year’s budget and make decisions on key issues such as safety, additional green investments and pensions. Another two years of lockdown is unsustainable.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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