Campaign to help church in need for two Somali women

The church is needed Campaigning for the release of the 21-year-old Hanna Abdirahman Abdimalik and 27 years old Hoodo Abdi Abdillahi, two Somali women who converted to Christianity are currently imprisoned in the self-proclaimed Republic of Somaliland. Hanna Abdirahman was arrested for converting. He later testified about his faith in a Christian Facebook group. According to the government, he was guilty of crimes against state religion and blasphemy. After her arrest, the police pressured her to reveal who had converted her and renounce Christianity and become a Muslim again. On August 6, 2022, she was sentenced to five years in prison by a regional court, although she testified that she did not intend to proselytize or offend anyone. Hanna’s lawyer Hargeisa has appealed to the Court of Appeal and is awaiting trial.

In the second case, Hudo Abdi Abdullahi was sentenced to 7 years in prison for converting to Christianity. She has been in Khebili Women’s Jail since October 2022. She was not allowed to have contact with her family. A lawyer was not allowed to appear during his trial. His case is currently being heard by the Somaliland Court of Appeal.

The two arrests received international resonance and other organizations working in the field of human rights, as well as the embassies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden and the Netherlands, are concerned about their fate. The Italian section of Aid to the Church in Need appeals to the Italian Government, and particularly to the Minister TajaniFighting for their fate and ensuring that they receive the humanitarian protection required by international law.

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Source: SIR

Ferdinand Woolridge

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