CD&V and Groen ready to reform party financing and …

Majority parties Groen and CD&V are prepared to scrutinize and curtail party funding. Here’s what Representatives Frankie Dimon (CD&V) and Water de Friendt (Groene) said at De Zevende Dag. The opposition party PVDA immediately proposes to cut the party’s allocations in half. Gruen also proposes “restricting” party spending on social media, but this route was described by the opposition party Vlaams Pelang as “censorship”.

Reports about the “ launch money ” Siham Al Kawakibi received from the Open Vld in 2019 not only sparked a debate about the White Rabbits in politics in recent days, but also a debate about party funding. Do political parties in our country have a lot of resources?

Wouter De Vriendt (Groen) and Franky Demon (CD&V) both say their parties are not “buying” white rabbits. “It is not happening to us. We are dealing with this in a more sober way,” says de Friendt. “We never bought white rabbits,” Damon says.

Chris Janssens, leader of the Flemish Pelang party in the Flemish Parliament, contradicts that MP Dries van Langeenhof received money from the party. “This is a lie,” says Janssens, “He got zero euros from Belang flats, not in cash and not in a company account.”

Read more. After the Al-Kawakibi case, funding comes each party within the crosshairs of the fire .. The end of “grant addicts”?

As far as party funding is concerned, the PVDA proposes to cut party donations in half from 72 million euros to 36 million euros. MP Raul Hedibo said, “Belgian parties receive four times the resources as Dutch.” CD&V and Groen are not in favor of a cut in half, but both parties want scrutiny and reduce the party’s current funding. The question remains of exactly how to adjust the financing.

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Green Representative Wouter De Vriendt has another suggestion. He wants to “reduce” party spending on social media. These expenses are now disorganized. Parties spend millions on propaganda as well as on “hate speech.” De Friendt says, “Let’s organize it. Chris Janssens (Flames Belang) criticizes this track. He talks about” censorship “and thinks De Vriendt is” jealous of Vlaams Belang’s success on social media. “

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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