ChatGPT Android app will be released this week

This week it’s time. Good news for Android users waiting for an official ChatGPT app. OpenAi announced its launch this weekend. As it stands now, the app will be available within this week and possibly worldwide immediately. OpenAI has it Twitter announce.

Android app for ChatGPT on Google Play Store

Anyway, you can actually put yourself on the waiting list by pre-registering on the Google Play Store Register for the new application. Then you will automatically get a notification if ChatGPT for Android is available as ChatGPT Android app

It’s been more than two months since the official ChatGPT iOS app came out. OpenAI already indicated that it was also working (hard) on an Android app. Well, that hard work is now paying off. Although the use of ChatGPT has decreased somewhat in recent weeks – probably due to school holidays – the AI-powered chatbot is still very popular.

Rogue ChatGPT applications

In addition, OpenAI is also increasingly facing reports of rogue “ChatGPT” apps that have appeared in the Google Play Store. These apps come from third party developers who don’t always have the same good intentions. Some of these rogue applications have attempted to sell users expensive, fake subscriptions in exchange for “unlimited” use of ChatGPT.

In recent months, Google has removed dozens of those fake apps from the Play Store. So the good news is that the official Android ChatGPT app from OpenAI will be available very soon.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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