Climate activist on hunger strike in Berlin admitted to…

In Berlin, a second climate activist on hunger strike was admitted to the Charité Hospital in Berlin after fainting.

On August 30, six climate activists began a hunger strike in a tent camp in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin, where the lower house of parliament is located. They are calling for a citizens’ council, which can hand over to politicians a list of climate-protecting actions that must be implemented immediately. Through their work, they also want to draw attention to the reality of climate change during the election campaigns of the chancellor’s candidates in the run-up to the German parliamentary elections.

Meanwhile, all of the chancellor’s candidates have called on the hunger strikers to end their campaign, and have expressed their willingness to speak with the hunger strikers after next weekend’s election. Environmental organizations such as Greenpeace have also called on the hunger strikers to cancel their protest. She said they shared the activists’ concerns, but made a plea “not to put the lives of young people at risk.”

A hunger striker was briefly hospitalized on Tuesday, but continued his hunger strike after leaving the hospital. The new victim is a nineteen-year-old girl

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Photo: Kay Nitfield / dpa
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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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