Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones cornered in court: “Do you know what perjury is?” | Abroad

Far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been locked up in a Texas courthouse after his lawyers mistakenly handed the entire contents of Jones’ cell phone to the opposing party. This mobile phone contained data that contradicted what Jones had said in court in recent days. “Do you know what perjury is?” , threw the naughty at the feet of his opponent in court.

Parents were victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre File a lawsuit against Jones Because of statements that the shooting that killed 20 students and six teachers was orchestrated.

The parents testified in court about the effect Jones’ comments had on them. With his lies, Jones managed to raise his own ratings, earning millions of dollars, while the families of the victims became the target of intimidation campaigns. They are seeking $150 million in damages.

Other families have also filed lawsuits for compensation. Judges in Texas and Connecticut previously ordered Jones to pay damages to plaintiffs, but left it up to the jury to determine the amount. The case in Texas is the first of these.

Jones’ attorney argued that the complainants could not prove that his client’s words actually caused the harm. Meanwhile, Stockbrand admitted that the massacre had indeed occurred.

More conspiracy theories

Even five years after the massacre, Jones himself supported more conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook, according to messages from Jones’ cell phone that a lawyer for his closest relatives can obtain. Mobile contents also provide more clarity about Jones Infowars’ hidden financial position for years. This indicates, among other things, that the site earned more than $800,000 per day on some days in 2018.

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Jones is known for his many conspiracy theories. He claims that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Major platforms like Facebook, Youtube and Spotify have already banned him for violating hate speech rules.

The jury will begin deliberations Thursday morning.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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