Controversial TikTok ‘guru’ Alex Morton is coming to Breda | Brida today

via: Charlotte Sabers


Breda – Motivational speaker Alex Morton has previously stood in all of Ahoy, and tomorrow afternoon he’ll be addressing a slightly smaller room in Breda. With his program “Escaping the Matrix”, he mainly attracts young people. But the businessman is not indisputable.

Alex Morton claims that with his tips you can get rich quickly, which many young people like. His social media bio states that Alex made his first million by the age of 24. But he is not undisputed. Previously, he was associated with the American company Vemma, a company focused on schoolchildren and students, to promote the company’s nutritional supplements. The company was convicted in 2015 of the illegal pyramid scheme behind the company’s marketing. Vemma was banned and the victims got their money back from the US Trade Commission. Alex Morton had just left the company for a few weeks at the time.

It also now focuses on youth. He attracts their attention with his social media posts that show off his lavish lifestyle and claim that his tips can also help you get rich quick. “Escape the Matrix,” he told his audience. It all starts with the belief that you can achieve something. Negative thoughts hold you back, according to this philosophy.

At the moment, it is not known whether people actually amassed wealth through Morton’s advice.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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