Convention on the local prevention of healthy dongin

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On Tuesday afternoon, Alderman Lepolder and co-partners signed the Local Prevention Agreement. The Local Prevention Convention focuses on reducing health harm as a result of smoking, alcohol abuse, being overweight, and mental health.

“The Local Prevention Agreement is not stand-alone. A link has been sought with existing programs and interventions in Dongen municipality, such as Promising Start, Youth at a Healthy Weight (JOGG) and the Local Sports Agreement.” Says Alderman for Health Policy Petra Leipolder. “In the Prevention Agreement, common aspirations around lifestyle and health come together. As a result, health-related activities can be addressed in an integrated manner.”

We work together in the field of health
Various activities are organized to inspire and motivate the residents. For example, seniors can play supervised sports in Park Vredeoord, primary school children from Vlinderboom and Westerkim can play additional sports after school and an IKpas campaign will start in May to give alcohol consumption among people over 55 years of age a break.

bar agreement
The local ban agreement stems from the national ban agreement, which is made up of three axes: smoking, weight gain, and problematic alcohol use. One of the agreements in this agreement is to encourage municipalities to formulate a local approach. Since the spring of 2021, the Dongen Prevention Agreement has been drawn up with several partners in healthcare, care, education, the business community and residents. In addition to national topics, the Local Prevention Convention has also chosen to pay special attention to the topic “Mental Health of Young and Older People”.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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