Cryalot New Singular – “Labyrinth”

Sarah Bonito celebrated major successes with British band Kiro Kiro Bonito, but the hunger to expand her musical horizons grew more and more. From now on, she has also released her own music under the name Cryalot, through which she has chosen to express her love for songs that she has written herself. In her first episode Icarus She takes hold of her passion for Greek mythology and embarks on a journey of musical discovery through the most diverse genres, and as a result.

She no longer looks very searching, because it is clear that Bonito has not lost her way in “Labyrinth”. The single deals with an inexhaustible and hopeful feeling that prevails even when you are trapped in your own reality. We also hear that the softness between sounds is so overwhelming, with the effects of noise and metal, among others, that the contrasts can only enhance each other. “Labyrinth” is the track her first project focuses on for a reason, because we can clearly hear her full potential.

Icarusthe first Cryalot project, will be released on September 2.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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