Data Alliance Criminal Justice Series

What is this?

The Data Alliance Criminal Justice Chain (DAS) is an intended partnership within the Criminal Justice Chain. Both organizations active in the criminal justice chain (owners of data sources, for example the police, the Public Prosecution Service, the judiciary, CJIB, DJI) and a number of criminal law chain data users participate in research (scientific) and statistics (CBS, WODC and the Department of Criminal Justice Chain of the Ministry ). justice and security). CBS has been involved in the development of DAS from the start and has a facilitating role and user role. The Directorate of Criminal Justice Chain coordinates and facilitates the partnership.

DAS aims to make available new, more relevant and consistent information in the field of the criminal justice chain for use in the broader context of society, practice, policy, and science. This will support the criminal justice chain as a whole in its ambition to achieve a data-driven, transparent and collaborative part of government. Concretely, DAS aims to:

  • more transparency in the data;
  • more consistency in data use;
  • More and more secure access to data;
  • improve the quality of data use;
  • More efficient in data delivery and processing.


DAS achieves this by:

  • Creation of a common and secure environment for processing criminal law chain data of pre-defined information products;
  • Make the data needed for these information products (monitors, statistics, scientific research) available in a safe and protected environment, where data from separate sources of criminal justice chain organizations can be linked together;
  • Creation of a common (comprehensive) website to disseminate available data on the criminal justice chain, so that citizens and professionals are informed about the functioning of the criminal justice chain, crime and security in the Netherlands.
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DAS has advantages for both data suppliers and Statistics Netherlands. DAS will improve the quality of CBS statistics and more efficient statistical production. Additionally, CBS can support data-driven work in government within the DAS.

social connection

Statistics Netherlands’ contribution to DAS is part of Statistics Netherlands’ statutory mandate. More relevant and fresh information will become available in a broader context of society, practice, politics, and science. It is also an opportunity to show that the criminal justice chain is a modern, data-driven, data-driven, transparent and collaborative part of government.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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