“Dealer” and “Beau Séjour 2” Big Contestants for Ensors – Current Cinema

The movie “Dealer” and the fantasy series “Beau Séjour 2” are the main contenders for Insures. Jeroen Perceval received no fewer than fourteen nominations for his long-running debut “Dealer,” a record. The film follows the fantasy series “Beau Séjour 2” with thirteen nominations. Along with the Ostend Film Festival, the Ensors Awards will only be awarded during the postponed edition, likely in March.

From November 22 to December 19, film and television professionals at Ensor Academy can cast their votes during the first ballot. Of the 91 films and series on the longlist, 32 were eventually nominated. In addition, five short films were selected for the Ensor Award for Best Short Film. Most nominations this year go to “Merchant” by Jeroen Percival. The film received no fewer than fourteen nominations, a record for Ensors. This is followed by the friction series “Beau Séjour 2” with thirteen nominations and “F*** You Very, Very Much” with twelve nominations. The movie “Cool Abdul”, which received 10 nominations, and the movie “Fairy” with six nominations, achieve good results. The ‘Ground’ series received ten nominations and ‘Red Light’ received seven. Several Flemish documentaries were also shortlisted for nominations. For example, the documentary series If You Could Hear Us, which takes a look at the Dutroux case, is one of the nominated documentaries. “Hi My Name is Jonny Polonsky” by Otto-Jan Ham and Sjoerd Tanghe earned a nomination for Best Documentary.

Academy members will now begin the second round of voting. This runs through January 30 and determines which nominations will be disbursed through Ensor. Due to the relocation of the Ostend Film Festival, the De Ensors concert will also be moved to March. (Belgium / Belgium)

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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