Doctors demand full review of testing policy

“We are disappointed and concerned,” says Roel van Geel of Domus Medica. “Testing centers are not enough to take the pressure off clinicians. We are calling for an overhaul of testing policy, including test administration, handing out codes and certificates and a consistent and clear quarantine for everyone who needs to be tested.”

Van Geel is disappointed that no decisions were made by the advisory committee on Friday. “Nothing was decided at the joint ministerial conference on public health on Wednesday, and today those decisions are actually being deferred to a new IMC tomorrow,” he says. “I have a little faith in that. We proposed a very clear plan on Wednesday with minimal requirements to make it possible again for general practitioners, but nothing has been done about it. It makes me desperate.”

Van Geel expected more tangible things, such as a full review of the testing policy. “There are now 10,000 highly trained physicians primarily engaged in providing test codes, test and quarantine information, and referrals to testing centers,” he says. “We need to be able to focus again on care, determine the order of individuals, and ensure that those who need it can be admitted to hospital.”

automated system

Van Giel suggests working with an automated system to request test codes, issue employer certifications, and the like. “We have 20 to 25,000 positive tests every day. Those people are all in contact with at least four or five other people. So, there are about 125,000 tests a day. With a mandatory five-day quarantine, that’s clear to everyone. During that time people can Organize their administration and general practitioners are not called every day waiting for the result or the second test. With so few reception centers it will certainly not be possible to relieve the pressure on doctors,”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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