These are the effects of a long trip on your body

It’s of course a well-being issue if you’re experiencing some mild complaints after a long flight, but those hours in the plane have temporary effects on your body.

How is it possible not to feel that you are not very fit during and after a long trip? This has various reasons, but mainly due to the climate in the aircraft. The pressure, temperature, and oxygen level in an airplane are different from what you are used to and can also fluctuate greatly during the flight. Add to that the low humidity, and it’s no surprise that you can feel the effects of a long flight on your body. Then of course there are the consequences of traveling to a far country. Once you get off the plane, you are often in a different time zone and different climate than you are used to.

We list five effects of a long flight on your body.

Let’s be honest: This actually starts as soon as you get in the car or train to the airport. Especially in these times, when it can sometimes be very busy in Schiphol. Lines, bag pulls, time pressure…

And usually you can’t really relax in a plane, especially if you’re dealing with a stranger. So it is not surprising that you arrive at your destination tired. Especially when combined with the other effects the flight has on your body.

Humidity in the cabin of an airplane is much lower, for example, at home, outdoors or in the office. The ideal humidity in the house is between forty and sixty percent; In an airplane this averages about fifteen percent, because half of the air that circulates in an airplane comes from outside the plane at a high altitude. This fresh outside air contains less water and oxygen, so the cabin humidity is lower today. This can cause dryness in the throat, eyes, nose, and skin.

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So it is very important to drink enough on the plane to reduce this effect. Does low humidity bother you? Then take a small bottle of body lotion with you in your hand luggage, just like eye drops and nasal spray.

If you’re always really tired after a few hours on the plane, you’re definitely not alone. And for this we can thank the low air pressure. Air pressure in a plane is regulated of course – otherwise we wouldn’t be able to breathe properly at altitude – but it’s lower than we’re used to. Air pressure is about eighty percent of the air pressure at sea level, as we move around every day. Low air pressure in an airplane means that the body is absorbing less oxygen. This is not dangerous, but it may make you more tired than usual.

Other factors that play a role in how tired you are after a long flight are the dry air discussed above, and sitting still for hours on end. Getting up from time to time, walking a short distance, and doing some stretching can reduce the complaint.

Do you suffer from flatulence on the plane? You might think it was something you ate, but the air pressure could also be the cause. There is natural gas in your stomach and intestines – this is completely normal. You often hardly notice it, until the air pressure drops significantly, as in an airplane. This change in pressure causes gas to expand in the digestive tract. Dar causes this unpleasant feeling and bloating.

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Do you want to prevent this? Fatty foods, soft drinks, some cabbage, and legumes cause gas in the stomach and intestines to increase. So try not to eat too many of these products before you travel, to reduce the chance of you arriving on vacation with a bloated stomach.

Air pressure in an aircraft cabin can fluctuate significantly at different times. When a plane takes off, for example, the air pressure drops by about ten percent. This creates very high pressure in your middle ear compared to the environment. This can cause the eardrum to swell, so the Eustachian tube acts as a kind of “valve” to let air out. But this may take some time: you have to open again first. Meanwhile, high voltage can cause earache and temporary hearing loss; Complaints you probably know on the fly. Since your vestibular apparatus is also in your ears, you can also get complaints of motion sickness on an airplane.

Yawning and swallowing can try to open the eustachian tube faster, but this doesn’t always work. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to be patient until your body regulates the pressure on its own.

source | Cleveland Clinic

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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