Does the omikron variant increase the importance of FFP2 masks? – the health

Experts advise the government to have enough FFP2 mouth masks in stock. However, there is no recommendation for the general population.

“Make an inventory of all available FFP2 masks,” is advice from virologist Marc van Ranst (KU Leuven) to the government. FFP2 face masks fit more securely around the nose and mouth than surgical or cloth face masks. They filter the mist – not just large saliva droplets …

“Make an inventory of all available FFP2 masks,” is advice from virologist Mark van Ranst (KU Leuven) to the government. FFP2 face masks fit more securely around the nose and mouth than surgical or cloth face masks. They filter out aerosols – not just large droplets of saliva. When “normal” masks primarily protect others, you are largely protecting yourself with the FFP2 mask. In contrast to other European regions, the FFP2 mask has not been established in our country. The Sciensano Health Institute initially recommends it for healthcare workers who are exposed to COVID-19 patients for a long time. The Gemological Advisory Council is also now advising the government to purchase more FFP2 masks for people at risk in high-risk conditions. Van Ranst doesn’t want to go so far as to generally recommend the use of an FFP2 mask, “but the government might have an idea of ​​what we have in stock. With a more contagious type of virus, you can get less distance with regular mouth masks. However, it’s possible that FFP2 masks do little to stop the omikron variant, which is probably more contagious than the delta variant, says virologist Stephen van Gucht.You won’t have anything with an FFP2 mask if it’s not used properly.Many people already wear a mouth mask under the chin. What should be with a less comfortable FFP2 mask?Maintaining distance, ventilation, and wearing the mouth mask properly: This continues to work, even with the use of Omicron.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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